Monday, April 21, 2008


I have baby pea plants!

They are just emerging, obviously. I'm just so terribly pleased that they are growing. This is the first time in my memory that I've grown something from seeds. Now I have to hope the rabbits stay away, because if my mother is correct, bunnies love them some peas.

I saw some more berry bushes at Whole Foods last week, and I *covet* them. They are staked and sturdy and gorgeous. Unfortunately I already have two raspberry bushes and I don't know where to put them, since the place they were going to go is probably too shady. I might have to put them there anyway and hope for the best.

Here is one berry bush, flourishing in its pot.

My tomato plants, on the other hand, are looking a bit sickly.

I waited longer than I'd planned to put them in the ground, since we had some frost problems and I had to take them inside a couple of times. They should get more sun and food now that they're planted. Hopefully they'll look less pale and spotty in a few days. I also transplanted the red bell peppers today, and they're looking much heartier.

I might as well include a picture of the dill, too, before it dies.

Dill apparently does not transplant well. I had a dill plant in a temporary pot, however, and it had to go somewhere, so it went in next to the parsley. If and when it kicks, I'll have another opportunity to grow a plant from a seed.

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